How To Identify Hypothermia & Frostbite In Your Pet


As the weather gets cold outside, you need to know how to protect your pets from hypothermia and frostbite. You also need to know how to identify the signs of each of these conditions so you can get your pet the treatment they need. 

How to Protect Your Pet

The best way to protect your pet from hypothermia and frostbite is by limiting the time they spend outside when it is really cold. If it is at or near freezing, your dog should not be spending a lot of time outside.  

When your dog goes outside, take a towel and dry them off before they come back inside. This will help your dog warm up faster. 

If it is really cold or snowy where you live, consider protecting your dog before they go outside with things such as dog booties or a dog sweater that will help them stay warm. This is especially helpful if your dog has a really thin coat.  

What Hypothermia Looks Like

Next, you need to know what hypothermia looks like in your dog, so that if they experience hypothermia, you can identify it and get them the treatment that they need. If your dog is shivering, weak, lethargic, or is failing to respond to stimuli, they may have hypothermia. You can also take your dog's temperature and see if it is low. A lower-than-normal body temperature is another sign of hypothermia.  

What to Do About Hypothermia

If you think your dog is experiencing hypothermia, take your dog and wrap them up in some warm blankets. This will help your dog's core temperature slowly rise and get back to a healthy level. You should take your dog to the vet for monitoring and assistance.  

What Frostbite Looks Like

Frostbite can look a lot like hypothermia, but there are some differences. With frostbite, your dog may be shivering, have a weak pulse, and have weakness of breath. Your dog may also experience a lack of coordination and a lack of consciousness. Their limb that is being affected by the frostbite may also change colors.  

What to Do About Frostbite

If you think your dog has frostbite, take them somewhere warm. Then, apply warm water or a warm washcloth to the frostbitten area. Do not submerge it in really hot water, as that can be damaging. Use warm water. Most importantly, do not massage the frostbitten area to warm it up. Massaging the area can cause your dog further pain. Take your dog to the vet for treatment.  

It is important to understand how to protect your pet from hypothermia and frostbite, as well as what to do if you think your pet is suffering from either condition. Take your dog to a nearby veterinary clinic if they suffer from any problems.


27 September 2019

Finding Help Early

For years, I wanted to fill my home with happy animals. When I got married, my spouse wanted a pet just as much as I did, and it was great to start looking for pets together. We were able to find a rescue animal who worked well with our budget and our lifestyle, and it was neat to give that sweet animal a home. However, after we brought the pet into our home, we realized that he needed some medical care. We turned to a veterinarian for advice on his medical health, and we worked on getting him completely vaccinated. Check out this blog for more information on finding help early.