Preventing Medication Poisoning With Your Pet


Like children, your pets should also be protected against accidental poisoning from your medications. While many human medications are also used on pets, most of the ones prescribed to humans are at different dosages and combinations that could make your pet violently ill or even cause death. Here is more information on the most common types of medications that could make your pet ill, plus some tips on keeping these medications safely stored.

Problem Medications 

While not all human medications are problematic, some of the most dangerous ones include the following:

Pain Relievers: These can cause liver damage and ulcers.

Anti-Depressants: They can cause blood pressure issues and increased heart rate.

ADHD/ADD Drugs: These drugs may cause hyperactivity, tremors, seizures, and fevers.

Heart/Blood Pressure Medications: Some types of medications, such as beta blockers, can cause serious, life-threatening illness.

Other types of medications that are typically not a problem, but can cause sickness in large doses, include:

Hormone Medications: Birth control medications generally have low side effects in cats and dogs, but could cause hormone imbalances in unspayed females. Thyroid medications are usually not a problem unless a large amount is consumed.

Statins: These medications can cause vomiting and diarrhea in your dog or cat, but generally, they cause few problems unless your pet is ingesting them frequently.

Pet Medication Problems

Even your pet's own medication can be troublesome if they take too much of it. Be especially careful with medications that are disguised as treats. If your pet manages to gain access to them on their own, then they could overindulge. Topical medications, such as flea and tick treatments, powders, and creams, can cause your pet to become ill if you over-apply them.

Tips on Keeping Your Pet Safe

The most common-sense way to keep your pet safe is to lock up or place your medications in a place where your pet cannot gain access. It is especially important to keep your medications in an inaccessible place if you are using a pill sorter or a non-locking cap. Administer your medication in a separate room so that if you drop or spill it, your pet can't swallow it before you can pick it up. Give your pets their own medication in an area separated from other pets.

When it comes to medications, it is best to play it safe and keep them locked up and out of reach. If you suspect that your pet has gotten into your medications, then call your veterinarian for advice. If your pet is showing symptoms of poisoning, then treat it like as an emergency and visit a 24-hour animal hospital to see an emergency veterinarian for an assessment.


14 May 2019

Finding Help Early

For years, I wanted to fill my home with happy animals. When I got married, my spouse wanted a pet just as much as I did, and it was great to start looking for pets together. We were able to find a rescue animal who worked well with our budget and our lifestyle, and it was neat to give that sweet animal a home. However, after we brought the pet into our home, we realized that he needed some medical care. We turned to a veterinarian for advice on his medical health, and we worked on getting him completely vaccinated. Check out this blog for more information on finding help early.