What You Should Know About Arthritis And Your Cat


If you have had your cat for many years and they are getting to be a senior, you might notice that they are slowing down quite a bit. While some slowing down is normal with age, it is also important to know about arthritis in cats. Knowing the facts about this condition can help to ensure that you take the best possible care of your cat, particularly if they do indeed have arthritis. 

What Is Arthritis?

Arthritis is a condition that affects the joints in the body. In cats, the condition most commonly affects the elbow joints. However, other joints throughout the body can also be affected. Arthritis is an inflammatory condition, meaning the tissues in the joints can become irritated, inflamed, and in many cases, swollen. This can lead to joint stiffness, pain, and other symptoms including lethargy and lameness. 

How Is Arthritis in Cats Diagnosed?

If your cat is showing symptoms like lethargy, lameness, and suddenly poor litter box habits, or they seem to be in pain, your next step should be to take them to the veterinarian. Once you are at the veterinarian's office, be sure that you explain all of your cat's symptoms and behaviors. The veterinarian will then do a thorough physical examination of your cat.

They will also likely have scans run like x-rays and may even do an ultrasound or other diagnostic procedure. Blood tests may also be run to rule out other possible causes of the symptoms. All of these tests and exams will help to determine if arthritis is present. 

How Can Arthritis in Cats Be Treated?

There are numerous ways to treat arthritis in cats. Your veterinarian may try prescribing prescription painkillers to help your cat deal with their arthritis. These medications will not necessarily treat the condition itself but rather will deal with the pain that might prevent your cat from being able to get up and moving normally. Anti-inflammatory medications may also be prescribed or administered. These medications will address the inflammation directly, helping to reduce the issue and improve all symptoms as a result. 

There are also alternative treatments and therapies that you can try for your cat's arthritis. Joint health supplements (nutritional supplements) are one such option. Acupuncture is another alternative therapy that you can try. Veterinary acupuncturists are trained to work specifically with animals and the process can be good for pain relief and overall relaxation and stress relief for your cat. Massage therapy and laser therapy are also arthritis treatments you could try for your cat. For more information about alternative therapy for your cat, contact a company like Downing Center For Animal Pain Management.

Now that you know more about arthritis and your cat, you can be sure you do what is best for your aging cat's health and well-being. 


20 November 2018

Finding Help Early

For years, I wanted to fill my home with happy animals. When I got married, my spouse wanted a pet just as much as I did, and it was great to start looking for pets together. We were able to find a rescue animal who worked well with our budget and our lifestyle, and it was neat to give that sweet animal a home. However, after we brought the pet into our home, we realized that he needed some medical care. We turned to a veterinarian for advice on his medical health, and we worked on getting him completely vaccinated. Check out this blog for more information on finding help early.