Are Your Cat's Teeth To Blame For Its Bad Behavior?


Having a cat lash out in anger can be upsetting or even frightening for a pet owner, especially if they manage to hurt you. While it's easy to be angry at your cat for their behavior, there's a chance that what you think is anger is actually fear and pain. Consider whether your cat's teeth are responsible for their actions when you read this guide. Teeth Problems If your cat doesn't have bad breath and you haven't seen any significant signs of tooth problems, you might think that your cat doesn't have oral health issues.

2 November 2018

What You Can Do If You Have A Skittish Dog


If you have a dog that you recently rescued or adopted that has skittish tendencies, it can be difficult to know what to do to help and support them. Dogs are usually skittish for a reason, such as trauma in their pasts, but can also suffer from generalized anxiety disorders and other similar mental health issues. Get to know some of the steps you can take if you have a dog that is skittish in order to take care of them as well as possible.

4 October 2018